
Saturday, May 11, 2024

Floods in Brasil. Talking on Youtube yesterday about it.

@MaxBorges888 1 day ago (edited) If you want to give credit... Uranus and Jupiter conjunct in Taurus both in May/1941 and in May/2024. Of course, everything always has dozens of causes but I don't believe it will happen again, at these levels, before another similar conjunction in 2107. Before, the conjunction was in 1858, did something remarkable happen? .................................................... ................ @manud.4829 1 day ago The worst thing I saw was that this year the tragedies involving water would be very strong. Precisely because of the conjunctions in the sky. I thought about the predictions. .................................................... ................ @MaxBorges888 23 hours ago (edited) ​ @manud.4829 Water, as it is, cannot be ignored Saturn, Neptune and Mars in Pisces on April 27th (when it was seen that it was not just rain, but floods in Canoas, Novo Hamburgo and Porto Alegre). But in 1941, Neptune was in Virgo, 25⁰. In 1941 there were no planets in a water sign (except for Kiron that was in Cancer up to June,16). obs. I believe that the south of the the State of Rio Grande do Sul has a special connection with Uranus and Jupiter and the northern half with Saturn and Neptune. .................................................... ................ @Umagaucha 8 hours ago ​ @MaxBorges888, please explain in layman's language. According to these calls, will there be another catastrophe like this? .................................................... ................ @MaxBorges888 8 hours ago (edited) @Umagaucha If it's mainly this conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter in Taurus, this will only happen again in 2107. But Jupiter only takes 12 years to make a complete turn. Uranus has also been at around 50⁰ in these 12 years, so the next meeting of these two will be in April/2038 in Cancer. But see that before 2024, in June/2010 there was the conjunction in Aries. Was there a flood in June/2010? Even if it's a minor flood it is in history, needs a research. ................... In short: Every 14 years there is a new conjunction of Uranus and Jupiter, but apparently, according to history, it is only when it is in Taurus that the flood is big and this only happens every 83 years. obs. I only know about this "coincidence" in two cases, 1941 and 2024 (need to see if 1858 had a big flood). So don't take it so seriously, maybe it has nothing to do with it. Astrology is real, but interpretations are difficult. .................................................... ................ @MaxBorges888 0 seconds ago Lageado 1858, 83 years before 1941: "With the great flood of 1858, the entire Carneiros floodplain was flooded," (www lajeado rs gov br)

Monday, October 23, 2023

Quincunx's rule (150⁰)

This "rule" is not, as far as I know, from Ancient Astrology but I am convinced of its validity. It establishes as a general rule what is already accepted for Aries and Scorpio, both are ruled by Mars and Pluto, and the shared rule of Venus over Taurus and Libra is also accepted by everyone. 'Aries and Scorpion', 'Taurus and Libra' are signs in quincunx, that is, they are separated by 150⁰. ................................................................. Generalizing we have: Mars rules Aries and co-rules Scorpio and Virgo (the latter sign is also 150⁰ with Aries) ................................................................. Pluto rules Scorpio and co-rules Aries and Gemini (the latter sign is also 150⁰ with Scorpio) ................................................................. Chiron rules Taurus and co-rules Libra and Sagitarius (the latter sign is also 150⁰ with Taurus) (It could be that Venus rules Taurus and co-rules the other two, but I think Chiron is the ruler of Taurus, Venus is co-ruler) ................................................................. Venus rules Libra and co-rules Taurus and Pisces (the latter sign is also 150⁰ with Libra) ................................................................. Eris rules Gemini and co-rules Scorpio and Capricorn (both are 150⁰ with Gemini.) (It could be Mercury that rules Gemini, but I think it's Eris who rules Gemini. (My opinion)) ................................................................. Mercury rules Virgo and co-rules Aquarius and Aries. (may be it's Eris that rules Virgo, but I think Mercury is the ruler of Virgo (My opinion).) ................................................................. The Moon rules Cancer and co-rules Sagittarius and Aquarius. ................................................................. The Sun rules Leo and co-rules Capricorn and Pisces. ................................................................. Jupiter rules Sagitarius and co-rules Cancer and Taurus. ................................................................. Saturn rules Capricornius and co-rules Leo and Gemini. ................................................................. Uranus rules Aquarius and co-rules Cancer and Virgo. ................................................................. Neptune rules Pisces and co-rules Leo and Libra. .................................................................

Friday, March 18, 2022

Progressions for 2026:

bigger wheel (outer), progression of 576 years pre sign, 
middle wheel , progression of 48 years per house and,
smaller wheel (inner), progression of 4 years per house.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Entering house 1 in 2016 or 2012 ?

 At the time of the series "2016 and the Bible" (2008), I was in doubt whether we would enter house 01 in 2012 or 2016. I even made a video, similar to this one, but entering house 01 in 2012 but didn't publish. I think I ended up choosing 2016 because I didn't want to enter the "2012 wave " (because they justified 2012 with the Mayan calendar and I thought it was silly because all that would happen was a change similar to turning from 999 to 1000 in our numbering system). 


But now I'm convincing myself that we entered house 01 in 2012. Therefore, in the progression of 4 years per house, we are already in house 03. (started in 2020 and goes until 2024. House 01:2012-2016; House 02: 2016-2020; House 03: 2020-2024, etc.). 


So for all the progressions shown in these videos about this theory, all you have to do is to start the count down 4 year earlier ending the last house 12 in 2012 and not in 2016.



Notice that the ascendant of the progression 4years per house (the red hand) is in house 3 of the base chart (that of ascendant Sagitarius). But also that the house 4 (IC) is in house 6, house 7 in the 9 and house 10 (MC) in house 12.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic


Conjunctions are the more important aspects. Since late 2019 we have a conjunction of Pluto with Saturn in Capricorn and in 12/3, Jupiter also reaches Capricorn (not the conjunction yet). The sign indicates that it would affect governments and even private structures (corporations). Mountains.


In December, 31/2019 the first case is officially identified as a new Coronavirus (or so I heard).

In March, 22th, 2020, Saturn already left the conjunction and leaves Capricorn entering Aquarius. But Jupiter and Mars are in conjunction with Pluto now. The problem with Jupiter is excess of optimism and with Mars the need to display courage no matter what. Maybe that explains the "just another flu" attitude.


In March, 30th, 2020, Mars enters Aquarius and makes conjunction with Saturn. Pandemic or not pandemic is a matter of political allegiance.


Jupiter and Saturn will retrograde to Capricorn but only Jupiter will make full conjunction with Pluto in the second half of the year.

Thursday, November 9, 2017

Maybe you can benefit from this dialog I had on Youtube.

(In green letters, a commentator. My response in black)

1) "Astrology is the “interpretation” of an assumed influence the stars (and planets) exert on human destiny. This is a false belief. "

- Did you study Astrology? Do you know that its influence is quite noticeable, even the facial characteristics of about 10% of the population are typical of their sun sign? It is only 10% because the moon sign and the sign of the other planets also exerts some influence and the combinations are innumerable. That's objective evidence, I mean solid evidence, not only "feelings".

2) "The royal astrologers of the Babylonian court were put to shame by God’s prophet Daniel (Daniel 1:20) and were powerless to interpret the king’s dream (Daniel 2:27). "

 - Astrologers can't read thoughts or know about a dream that someone had. The request from the king was not reasonable for someone that says that he is an astrologer, not a prophet. Nebuchadnezzar was not a reasonable man as it is clear in chapter 3 and 4.

- The interpretation of that dream involves Astrology, although not registered in detail in the book of Daniel. See:

3) "God specifies astrologers as among those who will be burned as stubble in God’s judgment (Isaiah 47:13-14)."

- They were in Babylon, everybody would be in danger. They are specifically mentioned because they were delivering a message contrary to what God was saying to Babylon. Astrology is not very precise and it is always a temptation to the Astrologer to say that good things are in the person's future when he know (or don't know) there will be difficulties.

4) "Astrology as a form of divination is expressly forbidden in Scripture (Deuteronomy 18:10-14). "

- That depends on the meaning of the word "divination". Is it any attempt to try to predict the future or is it to consult spirits to do that? Because if it is to try to predict the future, then economists, political analysts, weather forecasters, etc. are also divinators. With Astrology one cannot do a better job in predicting the future than those and they are often wrong too.

p.s. On Deuteronomy 18:10-14 and the word "divination" see on this blog:

5) "God forbade the children of Israel to worship or serve the “host of heaven” (Deuteronomy 4:19). Several times in their history, however, Israel fell into that very sin (2 Kings 17:16 is one example). Their worship of the stars brought God’s judgment each time."

- I can't talk for others but I do not worship the stars. I see them as hands in a giant clock, just that.

Thursday, February 23, 2017

I think the main fear about Astrology is that it seems like worshiping of Roman-Greek-Babilonian gods. It is not, these ancient people worshiped the gods with the names of the planets but the names are just the names. You can think about the influence of the planets as a natural phenomena like gravity. I don't worship the Earth but I surely recognize gravity.

Monday, November 21, 2016

aionios, the Greek word translated as "eternal" and "everlasting" in the Bible

Download the free program Manuscript4u and check Greek words (and Hebrew) without knowing Greek. Linux and Windows.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Saturn and Jupiter in the Cardinal points in the Spring equinox

21 March 0000
(1 b.C. in the Gregorian calendar)

Notice, in the chart above, Jupiter in the Ascendant and Saturn in the Medium Coeli (Middle of the sky) (and Neptune in the house 3)


  A similar configuration will occur in 2016:

21 March 2016

Notice, in the chart above, Saturn in the Ascendant and Jupiter in the Medium Coeli (Middle of the sky) (and Neptune again in the house 3)

obs01: Charts for 21th March because it is the spring equinox in the northern hemisphere / autumn in the southern.

obs02: It seems that the ascendant of our time is 15⁰ Sagittarius (for the progression of 48 year per house). It was 0⁰ Virgo in the year zero (1 b.C. in the Gregorian calendar).

obs03: To understand why the Cardinal points are in the middle of the mutable signs, you need to watch the series "2016 and the Bible".

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Bible Program for Linux and Windows
GNU Open Source in Lazarus/Free Pascal.

Search all occurrences of a Hebrew or Greek word with a click.
(Doing that you can study the meaning of the word as it was used at the time)

It comes with Bibles in many languages but you can download more at
(French, German, Latin, Russian, Romanian, Vietnamese, Xhosa, etc.)

The old Linux version includes some Gematria (Bible Numerics)

These packages have more bibles: