
Monday, October 23, 2023

Quincunx's rule (150⁰)

This "rule" is not, as far as I know, from Ancient Astrology but I am convinced of its validity. It establishes as a general rule what is already accepted for Aries and Scorpio, both are ruled by Mars and Pluto, and the shared rule of Venus over Taurus and Libra is also accepted by everyone. 'Aries and Scorpion', 'Taurus and Libra' are signs in quincunx, that is, they are separated by 150⁰. ................................................................. Generalizing we have: Mars rules Aries and co-rules Scorpio and Virgo (the latter sign is also 150⁰ with Aries) ................................................................. Pluto rules Scorpio and co-rules Aries and Gemini (the latter sign is also 150⁰ with Scorpio) ................................................................. Chiron rules Taurus and co-rules Libra and Sagitarius (the latter sign is also 150⁰ with Taurus) (It could be that Venus rules Taurus and co-rules the other two, but I think Chiron is the ruler of Taurus, Venus is co-ruler) ................................................................. Venus rules Libra and co-rules Taurus and Pisces (the latter sign is also 150⁰ with Libra) ................................................................. Eris rules Gemini and co-rules Scorpio and Capricorn (both are 150⁰ with Gemini.) (It could be Mercury that rules Gemini, but I think it's Eris who rules Gemini. (My opinion)) ................................................................. Mercury rules Virgo and co-rules Aquarius and Aries. (may be it's Eris that rules Virgo, but I think Mercury is the ruler of Virgo (My opinion).) ................................................................. The Moon rules Cancer and co-rules Sagittarius and Aquarius. ................................................................. The Sun rules Leo and co-rules Capricorn and Pisces. ................................................................. Jupiter rules Sagitarius and co-rules Cancer and Taurus. ................................................................. Saturn rules Capricornius and co-rules Leo and Gemini. ................................................................. Uranus rules Aquarius and co-rules Cancer and Virgo. ................................................................. Neptune rules Pisces and co-rules Leo and Libra. .................................................................