
Sunday, April 5, 2020

Coronavirus pandemic


Conjunctions are the more important aspects. Since late 2019 we have a conjunction of Pluto with Saturn in Capricorn and in 12/3, Jupiter also reaches Capricorn (not the conjunction yet). The sign indicates that it would affect governments and even private structures (corporations). Mountains.


In December, 31/2019 the first case is officially identified as a new Coronavirus (or so I heard).

In March, 22th, 2020, Saturn already left the conjunction and leaves Capricorn entering Aquarius. But Jupiter and Mars are in conjunction with Pluto now. The problem with Jupiter is excess of optimism and with Mars the need to display courage no matter what. Maybe that explains the "just another flu" attitude.


In March, 30th, 2020, Mars enters Aquarius and makes conjunction with Saturn. Pandemic or not pandemic is a matter of political allegiance.


Jupiter and Saturn will retrograde to Capricorn but only Jupiter will make full conjunction with Pluto in the second half of the year.